Earn Money : Monetize your Social Presence

March 25, 2018|

Now you can monetize you online presence and earn 1$ or even more just for performing simple 2-4 Steps taks. all You need is a Valid LinkedIn account ( With your Clear Profile Picture) and an institutional/work E-mail. Good examples of institutional email addresses include name@google.com, name@stanford.edu, or lee@eff.org. name@iul.ac.in These are work [...]

Facebook Like farming Scams : Stay Alert and Think Before You Like

June 24, 2017|

 Facebook like farming Scam- Social media platforms like Facebook are medium to keep in touch with different people friends and loved ones, but it’s not like everything is fun and games. Even though these services are relatively secure, there are scammers on the site who can’t be stopped from engaging [...]

Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development: Global and India Concern-Abstract

June 21, 2017|

Abstract : Sustainable development, at this time could be a most concern phenomena. Globally each country together with most developing countries like Bharat and China thinks greatly regarding it as a result of they realise that their future generation should be suffer to lack of resources that is clearly most [...]

Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development: Global and India Concern

April 11, 2017|

Environmental Issues and Sustainable Development: Global and India Concern Introduction-  Modem state may be a state trying to resolve divergent socio-economic issues to produce higher living conditions to the folks. Intrinsically the trendy state is committed to produce an environment whereby no man sheds tears. surroundings protection and containing surroundings [...]

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